Successful Woman: How to Plan and Reach New Heights in Your Career

Successful Woman: How to Plan and Reach New Heights in Your Career

As a successful woman looking to reach new heights in your career, you need a strategic mindset, and that's where the planning piece comes into play. It should come as no surprise that success is not accidental -- it is intentional.

More often than not, successful planning involves taking a step back and investing the time to think about what you really want. You'll need to do a self-assessment deep dive to move forward with intention.

So, to be a successful woman, ask the right questions…

  • What are you striving for? Where do you want to be?
  • How do you want others to see you?
  • What do you want them to think of you and your skills?
  • What brings you the greatest satisfaction?

Once you've answered some essential questions, it's time to reflect on what it will take for you to get to your desired achievement or outcome. Assuming you want greater success in your current company, what's the most critical thing for you to achieve to be of significant value to your organization? Your planning should include closing the gap between where you are and where you need to get to. Let's build a development plan focusing on the skills to get you to your goal.

It behooves you to pick the skills that will be most valued for your career and of greatest perceived value to your boss and your company or for the job you ultimately want (whether it's with your current company or not).

Increase your visibility by focusing on high-value skills.

"So often people are working hard at the wrong thing. Working on the right thing is probably more important than working hard." – Caterina Fake, Co-founder of Flickr

How Should a Career-Minded Woman Start Developing a Plot Plan for Success?

To be a strong successful woman and top performer, you'll need clarity to chart your course to the C-Suite or wherever your chosen destination may be.

  • What makes you happy?
  • What excites you?
  • What makes you shine?
  • What does success mean to you?

From one individual to the next, the answers will be vastly different, and that's a good thing. How you define success will be essential to developing a customized plan. Celebrate individuality and what makes you uniquely and utterly you.

Without clarity, there is a lack of vision. Having a clear vision is a game-changer when it comes to planning. The planning step becomes much less daunting. The fact is, once you know what you're driving toward, you can begin prioritizing what matters most.

"People respond well to those that are sure of what they want." – Anna Wintour, editor-in-Chief of American Vogue

A Successful Woman Sets Intentions and Takes Action

To be a mover and shaker in your career involves assessing and then leveraging your strengths. Work toward closing skill gaps and focus on what will be most important at the next level. Accept that you can't be great at everything, and instead, be grateful for your true talents and abilities and develop them to your full advantage.

With your strengths well established, it allows you to prioritize and become intentional in all your actions—that's a winning proposition. And, you'll need to be a master of time management, determined, and motivated to achieve optimal outcomes. Hit the marks in the areas that matter most, and leave the rest for someone else to worry about.

Unshakeable focus could well be considered a superpower when it comes to achievement because it's the means to getting you there faster.

How Does Being a Top Performer at Work Ensure Your Seat at the Table and as a Leader?

Top performers achieve consistently at the top of their game. They are predictable in their pursuit and delivery of excellence. They stand out from the crowd, and it often earns them a seat at the desired 'table.'

One thing is certain, if you're not a top performer, you simply won't be invited there. Let that sink in.

One of the challenges is how do you get invited to a seat at the table? You have a great idea to pitch; how will you get your chance? And then what happens if your boss, or someone more senior, takes that great idea and presents it as their own rather than allowing you to come and present it yourself?

Ultimately, it's not just being a top performer, but it's coming up with innovative ideas, making them known, and claiming the credit. And this goes back to all that's been said; it has to be about showing the value you are bringing to the company in meeting its strategic goals.

Tired of working without recognition? Find out what you can do.

How Does Accountability Fit Into the Equation?

Newsflash: Nobody is going to do it for you, which means self-accountability is directly linked to your success.

But remember, nobody said you have to do this alone.

It's tremendously helpful to have a coach that will help to keep you on track. There are many benefits to a coaching relationship. First, they don't allow you to make excuses, plus they will call you out on your baloney and encourage you all the while.

Mentor-mentee relationships are impactful and mutually beneficial, so that's an option as well.

Having peer accountability buddies can also be beneficial to your growth.

When it comes to up-leveling your growth, self-accountability is crucial. Get fully engaged in your goal and fast-track your plan.

How to Be a Successful Woman Leader: Key Character Traits

When it comes to achieving goals and staying the course, several key traits are common among successful women leaders:

  • Passion for the work she does
  • She cares about what she does and how she does it
  • Ability to focus and juggle priorities
  • The ability to toot her own horn and use her voice
  • Grit and determination
  • Confidence and resilience
  • Inspiring and positive attitude

A 3-Day Challenge Can Facilitate Your Journey to Tremendous Career Growth

Partnering with a coach helps you achieve things that might otherwise not be possible. Join us for a complimentary 3-Day Challenge: Your Career by Design, Not by Default (click here to join).

This course is LIVE and will help you regain control of your career and get 100% clarity on what matters most to move you forward faster:

✔ What makes you happy

✔ Know the value you bring

✔ Actions you need to take

Equip yourself to plan the best pathway forward in your career. Network, share and collaborate with others on a similar journey. Learn how to be a successful woman leader sooner rather than later.

To your success!