The Secret Morning Routines of Successful Women

The Secret Morning Routines of Successful Women

Being a successful woman is no accident – it requires intention. Adopting crucial habits can significantly influence your success. Here are just a few habits that will set a positive tone for your day and week:

  • Be an early riser - even if you are not one
  • Allow quiet time for yourself in the morning to rest and reset
  • Exercise and eating right is a win-win
  • Be a life-long learner and stay on top of industry trends
  • Motivate yourself and others
  • Set goals – daily, weekly, monthly and review your long term
  • Get in touch with your WHY
  • Set boundaries
  • Have a vision with and set intentions

Each day you get to choose how to spend the first few hours. How and what you choose to do sets the mood for the entire day.

Do you want a smooth or a bumpy ride? Do you fly by the seat of your pants or are you organized?

Without excuses, the choice is yours. Your time and habits (or lack thereof) are in your hands.

It's not surprising that morning routines support living well and contribute to efficiency. If your morning is planned, you save time and energy, and your day will flow much better.

Take inspiration from what's working for other successful women. Customize to your own needs for a chaos-free morning.

Secret Morning Routines of Successful Women Revealed

Organization is at the heart of a good morning routine. Begin to plan the night before, plan for what's needed for the upcoming day and do what you can on the previous night.

After that first step becomes easier for you, take the next step - weekly planning for what's ahead. Just 15 minutes on Sunday night can give you greater peace all week.

For those you are responsible for others, what commitments and needs do they have? In addition, what are your commitments and what do you need? If you have children, what do they have coming up? Are there projects looming or events on the horizon? Avoid surprise projects the night before they are due. Carpooling, sports events, doctor's appointments, and so on must be part of the plan.

Carve out time for yourself before the rest of the house is up and fully energized. You can start small and reserve 15 minutes for quiet time and include whatever supports your wellness, be it prayer, meditation, dancing, journaling, or a brisk walk around the block. It may be enjoying a simple cup of coffee in peace.

Your planning may include meal prepping (including lunches) ahead of time. Think of any measure that can save time and reduce stress during the work week when you are short on time. Doing so can make your end-of-the-day mealtimes less exasperating, more uncomplicated and just maybe you can sit and enjoy your meal. Take time to enjoy and share family time before you tackle the rest of your day.

Many women find immediate benefits in morning routines. It's natural to want to extend your alone time from 15 minutes to 30 minutes or longer once you begin to feel a better quality to your mornings. 

Incorporating morning routines can be helpful to your career success and all-around wellness.

What's the Most Critical Element to Add to Your Daily Routine?

Carving out the time in the early morning to rest and reset is the clear front runner for routines. If you are calm and present with your family and loved ones, it's contagious, and all of you will be better equipped to face the day. This precious time prepares you for your workday with a positive mindset to excel, and if you have children, it equips them for a successful day at school, camp, or daycare.

The wonderful thing about forming this routine is it prepares you for ordinary days and times when there is an unexpected event or crisis. By practicing self-care intentionally, you'll be better prepared to manage whatever comes your way.

Turn chaos to calm with this healthy morning routine; your employer and family will thank you!

How and why should successful women form morning routines and rituals?

As with any new habit, it's best to set your intentions and consider putting them in writing. Start small and celebrate your successes. Start thinking about the day ahead at night. On week one, get up 15 minutes early just one day, and do something you enjoy with that time. On week two, commit to getting up 15 minutes before two days and preplan two meals. Whatever you are doing, add just a bit more.

Create a realistic plan that fits with your life. Forming a habit takes time -- be gentle with yourself.

Healthy habits are highly rewarding, and you will want more positive endorphins to fuel your day and your life as you feel a shift happening.

How can morning routines set you up for career wins?

To be a successful business woman, you need to adopt winning strategies, and having a morning routine starts you off in the right direction. A morning routine prepares you to be in top form and exude confidence when you get into the office.

That attitude will stay with you and serve you well at work. Because you've taken the time to plan, you’re prepared to handle whatever might happen throughout the day. It enables you to remain calm under pressure, which is a winning attribute for your career progress. Being organized is of utmost importance in the workplace (and at home).

Your daily routine sets the tone and better prepares you for what’s to come, both expected and unexpected occurrences.

When it comes down to it, having structure is the foundation of career development and success. Practicing a daily routine is essential, while the specifics of the habit are less critical. To succeed, you need structure, and it always helps you to plan ahead.

Visualize, set intentions, and define boundaries around what you intend to accomplish, and you are on your way to achieving your goals.

How can a coach help in this area?

Surrounding yourself with the right people is another essential practice that supports your success.

Avoid negative people at all costs. That may be near impossible at work but don’t immerse yourself in discussions with negative folks.

Gravitate to the positive individuals, the ones you wish to emulate.

Regular coaching or mentor meetings assist you in moving forward and not getting stuck. It's an opportunity to talk about your struggles in a safe place and brainstorm on solutions. Having a coach provides valuable feedback and a new perspective.

Partnering with a business coach, career coach, or mastermind group also helps you get and stay motivated while keeping a healthy perspective. And a coach will support and encourage you to stick to your daily routine.

Schedule a FREE 30-minute discovery call to learn more and begin the journey.